7.6 Uninstall SoftEther VPN Server

    This section describes how to uninstall SoftEther VPN Server from your system if you should no longer need this program.


    7.6.1 Uninstallation in Windows

    You can uninstall the Windows version of VPN Server in the same way as uninstalling other application software, by clicking [Control Panel] > [Add or Remove Programs] and then removing the program.


    Add or Remove Programs Window.


    To prevent the loss of configuration data created after VPN Server is installed and written log files, this data is not automatically deleted. These files remain in the VPN Server installation directory. If VPN Server is installed to the same directory thereafter, the system uses the configuration file (vpn_server.config) remaining after the previous uninstallation, so caution must be exercised.

    You can use Explorer to delete these remaining data files.


    Remaining Configuration Files and Log Files.

    7.6.2 Uninstallation in Linux

    To uninstall the Linux version of VPN Server when vpnserver is registered as a service, you must perform the following operation.

    • Execute the /etc/init.d/vpnserver stop command to stop VPN Server.
    • Execute the /sbin/chkconfig --del vpnserver command to delete registration of vpnserver as a service.
    • Delete the /etc/init.d/vpnserver file.

    After performing the above operation, delete the directory where vpnserver is installed.