Remote Access

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    Comparing version 21:57, 9 Jul 2013 by yagi with version 23:45, 9 Jul 2013 by yagi.

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    Version from 21:57, 9 Jul 2013

    This revision modified by yagi (Ban)
    banner5_1.jpgAccess to your home server or digital appliance from outside? Set up SoftEther VPN Server on your home PC and gain access to your server or HDTV recorder from anywhere even the opposite side of the earth, through the Internet.

    Connect to Your Home Network Devices from Outside

    You can build Remote Access VPN for your home network. Then you can connect from outside to your home anywhere, anytime.

    Nowadays every home electric devices such as televisions, HDTV recorders, and video games are connected to the home network. Moreover, home security devices and webcams are connected to the home network. Of course you might have a home server as a storage of video or music files.

    You can access to all of these home devices from outside by using SoftEther VPN. The steps to build a home remote access network are exactly same to "Remote Access VPN to LAN" . You can also enable iPhone and Android compatible functions to accept remote access VPN dial-in from your iPhone or Android.

    Enjoy SoftEther VPN to enrich your personal digital life with home network.


    Version as of 23:45, 9 Jul 2013

    This revision modified by yagi (Ban)

    banner5_1.jpgAccess to your home server or digital appliance from outside? Set up SoftEther VPN Server on your home PC and gain access to your server or HDTV recorder from anywhere even the opposite side of the earth, through the Internet.


    Connect to Your Home Network Devices from Outside

    You can build Remote Access VPN for your home network. Then you can connect from outside to your home anywhere, anytime.

    Nowadays every home electric devices such as televisions, HDTV recorders, and video games are connected to the home network. Moreover, home security devices and webcams are connected to the home network. Of course you might have a home server as a storage of video or music files.

    You can access to all of these home devices from outside by using SoftEther VPN. The steps to build a home remote access network are exactly same to "Remote Access VPN to LAN" . You can also enable iPhone and Android compatible functions to accept remote access VPN dial-in from your iPhone or Android.

    Enjoy SoftEther VPN to enrich your personal digital life with home network.