1.9 VoIP / QoS Support Function

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    Comparing version 03:06, 2 Mar 2013 by yagi with version 02:07, 3 Mar 2013 by yagi.


    Using layer 2 VPN such as SoftEther VPN enables you to connect multiple separate LANs and create a single network. (for details, see #10.5 Build a LAN-to-LAN VPN (Using L2 Bridge)#  and #10.6Build a LAN-to-LAN VPN (Using L3 IP Routing)#). ). If the VoIP / QoS support function is furthermore used, because communication for IP telephone (VoIP packets) is always given higher priority than other traffic for bands, even if the network is congested with traffic other than IP telephone, you can construct an IP telephone extension system that overlaps bases at low cost. In this case, even if there is no equipment supposed to be used on VPN such as IP telephone equipment or VoIP gateways, if the priority control header is properly set for packets to be sent, priority control is automatically conducted on VPN without requiring an special operation by end users.


    With VPN sessions, you can check whether the VoIP / QoS support function is functioning effectively by acquiring the connection status of the VPN session. For details, see #3.4.5#3.4 Virtual Hub Functions and #4.5.2#.  4.5 Connect to VPN Server.


    Version from 03:06, 2 Mar 2013

    This revision modified by yagi (Ban)


    Using layer 2 VPN such as SoftEther VPN enables you to connect multiple separate LANs and create a single network. (for details, see #10.5# and #10.6#). If the VoIP / QoS support function is furthermore used, because communication for IP telephone (VoIP packets) is always given higher priority than other traffic for bands, even if the network is congested with traffic other than IP telephone, you can construct an IP telephone extension system that overlaps bases at low cost. In this case, even if there is no equipment supposed to be used on VPN such as IP telephone equipment or VoIP gateways, if the priority control header is properly set for packets to be sent, priority control is automatically conducted on VPN without requiring an special operation by end users.


    With VPN sessions, you can check whether the VoIP / QoS support function is functioning effectively by acquiring the connection status of the VPN session. For details, see #3.4.5# and #4.5.2#.


    Version as of 02:07, 3 Mar 2013

    This revision modified by yagi (Ban)


    Using layer 2 VPN such as SoftEther VPN enables you to connect multiple separate LANs and create a single network. (for details, see 10.5 Build a LAN-to-LAN VPN (Using L2 Bridge) and 10.6Build a LAN-to-LAN VPN (Using L3 IP Routing)). If the VoIP / QoS support function is furthermore used, because communication for IP telephone (VoIP packets) is always given higher priority than other traffic for bands, even if the network is congested with traffic other than IP telephone, you can construct an IP telephone extension system that overlaps bases at low cost. In this case, even if there is no equipment supposed to be used on VPN such as IP telephone equipment or VoIP gateways, if the priority control header is properly set for packets to be sent, priority control is automatically conducted on VPN without requiring an special operation by end users.


    With VPN sessions, you can check whether the VoIP / QoS support function is functioning effectively by acquiring the connection status of the VPN session. For details, see 3.4 Virtual Hub Functions and 4.5 Connect to VPN Server.
